Please consider formally joining and/or donating to the Normal Station Neighborhood Association, Inc. (NSNA) We could use any support you are willing to give- physical, emotional, mental, or financial. Help us Stay Normal.
Voting Membership in the Normal Station Neighborhood Association, Inc. is $20.00 annually per household. Membership allows you to officially vote on neighborhood issues. If your current situation does not allow you to spend $20 on dues, email us and we’ll find some things other than $20 that you can contribute. Email us at
Would you like to join NSNA right now? You can join easily using PayPal. Click the ‘buy now’ button below, and sign in using your Paypal account info. If you don’t already have a Paypal account, you can create one when you click ‘buy now’. Then you can pay using a debit or credit card.
Voting Membership is for residents only. If you aren’t sure about your membership qualifications, read the paragraphs below under the “About Membership” header. If you don’t qualify to be a member, and you send us money via PayPal or some other source, we will consider it a generous donation. (Thank you!)
Be sure to specify who the membership is for and the street address if it isn’t for the cardholder.